Thursday, March 31, 2011


Color mix painting by Keerthana.
Sloka Keerthanas cousin sister who had come last week along with her parents had gone back to Hyd. She is just about a year old.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

carrom board

Got carrom board for keerthana.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ear piercing

Keerthana's right ear piercing for the second time as first time it didn't come properly...sorry dear
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

nursary group photo

Keerthana's first group photo.
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nursary section girls photo

Second row 3rd girl from left is Keerthana
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Monday, March 14, 2011


My baby Keerthanas alphabet...she is really learning very quckly..its she is just 40months old. I remember that i learned my english alphabet in 6th standard.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

my BDay

Today for the first time my baby had sung happy birthday song to
We took small video using my mobile camera..even though its of not that good quality.
For my surprice my wife and baby had decorated the house with few ballons and my wife got me a T shirt as my bday gift.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

petrol thieves

Today we had been to APC north. For the first time Obilesh came with their 10days old baby.
Unfortunately someone had stolen peteol from my bike felt very bad since i was going to church with my family and all of sudden we were stranded in middle of the road.
Summar have started showing its hotness early in the march 1st week onwards. Generally in bangalore we dont feel that heat of summer even in april...may be effect of increased pollution, cutting of huge trees and heavy usage of plastic meterial.
In picture above keerthana is trying to rearrange the news papers.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

chennai trip

25feb2011: we had been to chennai and stayed in Thilaks house. We all had been to mahabalipuram in Thilaks maruti zen estilo. Keerthana and Magna Shalom(Honey) Thilaks 2year old daughter played a lot. For keerthana and Deepika beach is first exp and they both enjoyed a lot. Next day we had been to Marina beach in chennai during day time. Keerthana and myself did horse ride. Detta Thilaks wife had prepares lot of dishes during our stay in their house. Neetha deepikas cousin sister also had joined us. We did little shopping in T Nagars ranganathans street. Sunday evening we started our journey back to Bangalore via katpadi where we had attended engagement of Ivan and Silviya.
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