Saturday, September 24, 2011

3 yrs 11 months

Height-101 cms
Vaccines administered- opv and pneumonia
Completed term one exams..fron 28sep onwards till 10oct term 1 holidays...
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

One more Drawing

Yet again one more drawing by my little baby keerthana. I am amazed at her own creativity none of us have told anything about such thing.
When asked her about this picture she explained saying that it is a photo of a boy kept in a photo frame...i am proud of u baby
With love
Mom and Dad
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

TV Drawing

I am very surprised by my baby's drawing of .. None of us told her to draw that... And how to draw etc...on her own she has done very proud of her and her creativity...keep it up... Love you baby ... Yours Dad
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Monday, August 15, 2011

Micky mouse

In above picture, colored micky is drawn by my wife Deepika and other one is drawn by keerthana by looking at original one which is drawn by my wife. All credit goes to Deepika and drawing classes.
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Saturday, July 9, 2011


Sample of Keerthana Drawing classes
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Sunday, June 26, 2011


Keerthana in her own words, when we asked as how people call her she said these answers instantly Nireesh mama calla her as Kutty, pedda papa, pedda mommy, chandu and Gunni calls her as Chinnari, both grandpas call her as Keerthana and pappamma calls chinna and mamma calls her as Ubbu thalli, chitti thalli, bangaram and chinnari and myself calls her as chitti thalli, Keerthana, chinna and kanna it seems....
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Drawing classes

Last friday i enquired in nearby drawing school for Keerthana as i observed that she got very good hand in drawing the things. Drawing school name is "BrushRhymes" run by some bengali teachers. Starting age for kids seems to be 4+years but requested to allow Keerthana as she is just 3 years 8 months only. She attended a trial class and both seems to be happy. Fees is around 700/rs a month.
Above picture is a sample of Keerthana's drawing on a soft ball.
Encouraging my wife also to go for classes.
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Sunday, June 19, 2011


Last saturday we had been to decathlon as a family outing to do some sports shopping. Keerthanas shoews, sandals, t shirts and many more items are from this store only. We were trying for some bicycles with support wheels but aren't very comfortable with the options available over there. One of the above picture shows keerthana with one ofyhe cycle.
She is enjoying her school really i would like to thank all the management and staff of sun beams play School for their teachings on all aspects of life including exercise and spirituality.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

LKG 1st week

26 may got lkg books from Keerthana's sun beams play school. 1st june submitted all her 14 school books with covers on as school reopens on june 6th. She got another set of rhymes book, alphabet standard and cursive, numbers, busy ants, scrap book, four lined book, square book for numbers and school dairy altogether costed 850/-rs.

Nowadays she is gettting homework almost everyday. I made a habit of exchanging our everyday acrivity with each other while sleeping first i have to tell her as what i had done in my office than she would say whats all happened in her school.

We made couple of new habits like swithoff TV by 9:30pm no matter what the programs are and 30 min tickling game which will make us laugh heartfully. Then brushing our teeth before we go to sleep.

Nireesh is helping Keerthana in doing her homwwork in above picture.
As Keerthana attended couple of marriages in last summer holidays she is trying to enact the events by conducting marriage between me and my wife.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

first summer vacation

Today keerthana is back from her first summer vacation. She was very busy staying with my parents in adilabad without both of us. We have attended Prashanths marriage which happened on 20th may in Nirmal than later we had been to Jagtial to attend Poornimas wedding which happened on 23rd May. This summer had been really hot temparatures touching 48°celsius. As usual i spent almost 45 days here in Bangalore learning guitar, doing workout and preparing for marathon in my free time. My wife spent her time without her mother. Keerthana had her first mehendi.
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Monday, April 4, 2011

gFv qwwseerrttyuiopo

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

end of nursary

Yesterday was the last day for Keerthana and they recieved cakes, chicolates, juices and very good instructons such as dont trouble your brothers and sisters and obey your parents etc.
Above picture Keerthana with Sloka.
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Friday, April 1, 2011

last day of nursary

Today is the last day of nursary for Keerthana. Myself and Keerthana in above picture. In no time one year of her school is over. She knows majority of rhymes, all the alphabet and numbers till 50. More over she enjoys her school alot ans Varahini seems to be her best friend in her class.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Color mix painting by Keerthana.
Sloka Keerthanas cousin sister who had come last week along with her parents had gone back to Hyd. She is just about a year old.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

carrom board

Got carrom board for keerthana.
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ear piercing

Keerthana's right ear piercing for the second time as first time it didn't come properly...sorry dear
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

nursary group photo

Keerthana's first group photo.
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nursary section girls photo

Second row 3rd girl from left is Keerthana
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Monday, March 14, 2011


My baby Keerthanas alphabet...she is really learning very quckly..its she is just 40months old. I remember that i learned my english alphabet in 6th standard.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

my BDay

Today for the first time my baby had sung happy birthday song to
We took small video using my mobile camera..even though its of not that good quality.
For my surprice my wife and baby had decorated the house with few ballons and my wife got me a T shirt as my bday gift.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

petrol thieves

Today we had been to APC north. For the first time Obilesh came with their 10days old baby.
Unfortunately someone had stolen peteol from my bike felt very bad since i was going to church with my family and all of sudden we were stranded in middle of the road.
Summar have started showing its hotness early in the march 1st week onwards. Generally in bangalore we dont feel that heat of summer even in april...may be effect of increased pollution, cutting of huge trees and heavy usage of plastic meterial.
In picture above keerthana is trying to rearrange the news papers.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

chennai trip

25feb2011: we had been to chennai and stayed in Thilaks house. We all had been to mahabalipuram in Thilaks maruti zen estilo. Keerthana and Magna Shalom(Honey) Thilaks 2year old daughter played a lot. For keerthana and Deepika beach is first exp and they both enjoyed a lot. Next day we had been to Marina beach in chennai during day time. Keerthana and myself did horse ride. Detta Thilaks wife had prepares lot of dishes during our stay in their house. Neetha deepikas cousin sister also had joined us. We did little shopping in T Nagars ranganathans street. Sunday evening we started our journey back to Bangalore via katpadi where we had attended engagement of Ivan and Silviya.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby visit

We had been to baptist hospital to greet and welcome the new born baby of my dear friend Obilesh and Suvarchala. I guess this is the first time Keerthana is looking at such a young 2days old baby.
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BDay party

19-02-2011: We had been to birthday party of my collegues daughter Riya Smitha who turned 2yrs. Keerthana enjoyed the roaming all over the place with bunch of balloons in her hands. To our surprise we received Dixcy fighter fish along with instructions as gift. My collegues both Nirmal and Prathima really took good care of everyone. They had given these gifts so that kids would be friendlier to animals etc keeping in mind...really good effort worth lots of appreciation.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today we had been to commercial street and did some shopping for keerthana and deepika. Keerthana was telling me that she is having enough dresses so dont want anymore it seems...she talks very maturedly. She brought some balloons as well. We bought few more tops from lilliput.
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APC childrens church

The above picture is colored by Keerthana in childrens church.
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Sunday, January 30, 2011


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