Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Friday i.e 18th July we have administered MMR vaccination to Keerthana by Ideal Clinic @ RT Nagar, Bangalore-32.

Saturday i.e 19th July Dave, Mercy and Ashish had visited our home for Dinner where keerthana and Ashish played alot. in the picture is the David John(DJ) their second son who is 3 months younger to Keerthana.

Sunday i.e 20th July Ibought IFB Senarita Plus 5kg front load washing machine. the same day myself, Deepika and Keerthana were drenched in the rain on our way to church impartation service as a result Deepika and Keerthana got cold and are under mild medication.

Monday i.e 21st July Nireesh had come from Kannapur as his 2nd year of BBM classes had started.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

cedarmont kids

My family would like to thank God for Prem who had given us this DVD (cedarmont kids) which Keerthana is enjoying immensely and i cant put in words as how much Keerthana keeps herself busy in watching, clapping, saying some thing to herself and sitting in pram during which my wife does all the house hold chores.

We also thank our LORD JESUS for protecting keerthana from injuries as she has fallen many times while crawling and standing with some support.

Uploading the latest photo taken with obilesh mobile.The dress that keerthana wearing was presented by Joanne Silviya on her first visit.

Keerthana with Oblesh.

14th July 2008: Ruth Ida's 2nd Birthday for which we were there and had dinner. It was a rainy day.

Monday, July 7, 2008


27th June--Vijay Dhar's Daughters Rejoice Crisolite's 1st birthday celebrations Keerthana gave her first kiss to Dada it was most pleasant and happy moment.

1st July--Visited sony handycam showroom to inquire about the handycam and the show room manager Mr.Mansoor requested of taking some snaps of Keerthana and he was glad in having the snaps of keerthana, i asked him to send those snaps.

1st week of July--Keerthana started walking on her own with the little support of sofa.

4th July-Have visited Ideal clinic in R.T.Nagar, Bangalore for Measles vaccination for which Dr.Vanitha said we were little early for that and asked us to come on 18th July for the same.
Keerthana weighted 8.3 kgs and 70cm height.

6th July- We have been to David strictland's El-Bethel Baptist International Church dedication service.