Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Youth Camp

Today evening at 5 PM we as a family are leaving to ACTS academy to spend 3 complete days in knowing the LORD more.
Keerthanan is trying to stand and sit whenever she gets even little support.
everyday is like a new learning with our baby as we see her smiling giggling and lauging at will and what not, it is simply awesom,
truly Me and deepika are thankful to our LORD Jesus for blessing and entrusting keerthana in to our hands and we as stewards of GODs property will try to bless her and bring her up in the ways of the LORD.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby Dedication

This sunday i.e 20/04/2008 we have dedicated our Keerthana to our LORD JESUS in ALL PEOPLES CHURCH, Bangalore Central by Ps. Ashish Raichur.
In the photo Keerthana in her dedication dress.
Shall upload the video if someone from church had taken the same.
andf for our amusement Baby was calm while Pastor and whole church stretched their hands in Prayer.

2nd wedding Anniversary

We celebrated our second anniversary yesterday by going to Lumbini park near Hebbal along with our Keerthana, She had little vomit and slight fever and have taken her baptist hospital on our way back home but doctors were not available by that time. We prayed to our LORD JESUS and came home and to our surprise she is normal by the time we came home.

we had send our readers digest coupons this week. I brought nokia 2630 mobile phone for my wife so that she can some snaps of baby at home.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bharathvajan's Wedding

Yesterday we took Keerthana to my ex-colleague Bharaths reception.
there she enjoyed or may be admired by seeing the light arrangements etc to her little eyes.

then she was fine until we both started to have our dinner eventually which made both of us leave that place back to home from the middle of our dinner.

This is our second time that we have taken our baby on my bike that is bajaj Discover 125.

in this reception she met so many my friends like Lata, Silviya, Wilfred, Thilaks Family, Amos, Jayanand, Prashant, Leslie, Ivan.

Since last 2days we are massaging our Baby with Johnson's Baby Olive oil as olive has been mentioned so many places in Bible. Earlier she used to have massage with sesame oil there in her grandparents home. But I insisted my wife to use olive oil for massage because I am a believer of Bible.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Friends Visit

Yestreday David Prem and his family had come home to see keerthana.
Obilesh also joined us and took couple of snaps of my baby along with Ester(Prems daughter) in his Nokia N72 Mobile.

still we are yet to decide on her name and Hasini is the new name that popup now.
and on previous saturday we have taken our baby to Beacon fellowship that happens for Rammaiah collage students.

and the previous week Parmesh family also visited our house to see Keerthana and all of them brought gifts for Baby.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Yesterday we were discussing about keerthanas name changing to NIDHI which means a treasure.
as my wife did not liked the name keerthana very much. anyways we are having our time to decide before the dedication of our baby to the LORD.
and by now she is very much adjusted to the house here in bangalore. yesterday we had nice Bible study on being born again in our home being our baby at home. thank God that she did not make any disturbance during the study as she was engaged with my wife in our bedroom.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Singing Songs

Yesterday i helped my wife in giving bath to keerthana and she always enjoyed her bath. for the first time i sang couple of songs of Jesus to her and eventually she slept even though i am not that good at singing.
Nireesh my brother-in-law who also stays with us is a good companion and now he is in 2nd semester of BBM at presidency collage.

As a family we all love to worship our LORD JESUS CHRIST alone who is so real.